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Employment Resident Visa

Category of Chinese resident permit

According to the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Entry and Exit of Aliens", foreigners stay in China in three situations:

  • Short term stay

  • Long term residence

  • Permanent Residence


Short term stay: It is mainly for foreigners coming to China for tourism, family visits, economic and trade and other activities. Generally bureau will grant short-term stays a visa for less than one year.


Long-term residency: It is mainly to grant visas and residence for people who come to China for study, work, investment, etc., with multiple round trips for 1-5 years. Short-term stay and long-term residence are very convenient for foreigners to come to China, and can also meet their actual needs for travel, business, work and life in China

If the visa held by a foreigner indicates that a residence permit is required after entry, he/she should apply for a residence permit from the exit-entry administrative bureau in the city within 30 days from the date of entry.


Foreigners applying for a residence permit valid for more than one year shall submit a physical health certificate issued by the local health and quarantine department or the health and medical department at or above the county level in accordance with the regulations, confirming that the applicant does not suffer from severe mental disorders, infectious tuberculosis, or is likely to be harmful to the public and other infectious diseases that cause major health hazards. And the applicant shall submit the following different materials according to different types of reasons for residence:


  • Employment resident

  • Study resident

  • Journalist resident

  • Personal affair resident


Employment resident:

Long term work resident permits application

Short-term work resident permits within 90 days

Entrepreneurship resident permit



Long term work resident permits application

Starting from April 1, 2017, the work permit system for foreigners had implemented uniformly nationwide. According to the policy, the previous "Employment Entry Permit for Foreigners" and "Permit for Foreign Experts to Work in China" were integrated into the "Permit for Foreigners to Work in China", which is organized and implemented by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.


The said policy divides the types of foreigners working in China into three categories. Category A (encouraged), Category B (foreign professionals, control category), and Category C (foreign ordinary personnel, restricted category) are classified and managed according to the classification standards for foreigners working in China. Applicants must be at least Category C before getting approval for their employment in China.


The following are the classification standards for Class A, Class B and Class C:

 Category A:

At present, the most common type of A category talents are high-paid foreigners who meet the salary standards. The annual salary must be more than RMB660,000 and the annual personal income tax must be more than RMB130,000. It is basically six times of the average salary level of the city and it varies from year to year.


Category B:

  • The applicant’s education level shall be not lower than university bachelor degree and shall be with full time working experience no less than 2 years.

  • Foreign blue-collar skilled workers (holding an international general vocational skills qualification certificate) who have 2 years of full-time relevant work experience and whose average salary are not less than 4 times of the social average salary of the previous year in the region.

  • Foreign language teaching staff: Foreign language teaching staff should engage in language teaching in their mother tongue, and shall have obtained a bachelor's degree or above and have more than 2 years of language teaching work experience. Among them, those who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in education, language or normal education, or have obtained a teacher qualification certificate in the country where they are located, or have obtained a national language teaching certificate that meets the requirements.

  • If the foreigner's comprehensive assessment exceeds 60 points, he can apply for category B. The points table is as shown in "policy updates"


Category C:

It is for those do not meet requirement of category A or category B, and urgently needed by the company in China, and have significant contribution to the company or country.


Document Required:

  • 1. The applicant's detail C.V.  ---  The C.V. shall starting from primary school. And the working experience is quite important. This detail shall be provided at the very beginning while submitting the application.

  • 2. Non-criminal Certificate: shall be attested from the Chinese embassy overseas.  --- shall be provided at the stage of applying employment approval.

  • 3. Highest education graduation certificate (the education level shall not be less than bachelor degree): original. ---- shall be attested from the Chinese embassy overseas. Shall be provided at the stage of employment approval.

  • 4. Working experience proof: according to new adjustment of the labor department requirement, it is required for his/her last working experience proof; the previous employer shall stamp on a letter proving his/her last working experience.  --- (bachelor-- minimum 2 years working experience, and the past working experience shall be related to his/her future applying position).

  • 5. Medical check up, police registration for his/her temporary residential address, etc..  --- will be done after he/she is in China.

  • 6. The employer’s office rental contract (recorded official address) is still valid no less than 2 months.

  • 7. All above mentioned document shall show the applicant's name and basic information match 100% with the passport.

  • 8. Normally the non-criminal certificate is valid for 3-6 months, depends on the certificate it states otherwise or not.

  • 9. The photo required:

  • (1)For the license part: color (blue or white background) 6pcs, large one inches.

  • (2)For the employment approval: digital format with special requirement, check more details by contact with us.

  • (3)For immigration department: Photo with barcode (this can be taken later while he/she is inside China).



Document sorting and preparation ---- Check qualification ---- Submit to the Foreign Experts Bureau Notice of Foreigner's Work Permit --- Pre-approval --- Final approval --- Obtain Notice of Foreigner's Employment Permit --- the foreign employee applies for a Z visa to enter China at a foreign Chinese consulate --- body physical examination --- apply for a foreigner's work permit card --- change the Z visa to a foreigner's residence permit



Remarks: The Z visa (work visa) normally will be issued from overseas embassy or consulate with validity of 30 days, the applicant shall immediately follow the remaining procedure once he/she enters China with such Z visa and exchange for an employment permit and resident permit within 30 days from the date of entry.


 Short-term work resident permits within 90 days

Foreigners working and staying in China for less than 90 days are classified as short-term work resident which is also different from long-term work resident and business visas


Foreigners entering China to complete short-term work tasks, entering the country for the following reasons and staying in the country for no more than 90 days are classified as short-term work visa applications:

  • 1. Go to China to complete a certain technology, scientific research, management, guidance, etc.;

  • 2. Go to China sports institutions for trial training (including coaches and athletes);

  • 3. Filming (including commercials, documentaries);

  • 4. Fashion show (including car models, shooting print ads, etc.)


The following situations are not classified as short-term work visa applications

  • 1. Purchase of supporting maintenance, installation, commissioning, disassembling, guidance and training of machinery equipment;

  • 2. Guiding, supervising, and inspecting bid-winning projects in China;

  • 3. Dispatched to domestic branches, subsidiaries, or representative offices to complete short-term work;

  • 4. Participating in sports events (including athletes, coaches, team doctors, assistants and other related personnel, except in accordance with the requirements of international sports organizations, approved by the competent authorities of the country, and entering the competition with a registration card);

  • 5. Volunteers entering China for unpaid work or paid by overseas institutions.


Required documents:

  • Valid passport

  • Physical exam report

  • Explanation letter for the purpose of application.


The 90-day short-term work visa, although the application materials are few and the procedures are relatively simple, but there are corresponding restrictions: the same foreigner can only apply for a maximum of two times in a year, and each time is half a year apart.



Entrepreneurship resident permit

Entrepreneurship residence permit is a special residence permit. It is a private affairs residence permit for outstanding foreign students in China. The visa type is a residence permit for private affairs helping foreign students who are willing to innovate and start a business

in China.


  • Graduated foreign students in China (newly graduated within 2 years)

  • Good health and suitable for work in China.

  • Have the willingness to innovate and start a business in Guangdong Province


Documents needed:

  • Passport

  • Physical Examination Health Report

  • Highest degree diploma

  • Business Plan in details

  • Other documents




Contact: E-SNAVS Foreign Enterprise Service Center

Phone: +8613925111051

Tel: +8613925111051

Email: evans@snavs-china.com

Add: Unit 2006-2007, Yian Plaza, No. 33, Jianshelu Road, Yuexiu District, GuangZhou, China (510060)