Welcome: E-SNAVS Foreign Enterprise Service Center
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Copyright Application

Copyright registration

Copyright, once a work is created, it will automatically enjoy the copyright and be protected by relevant laws. Copyright is protected not only by domestic laws, but also by the Contracting States of international copyright conventions to which the host country has participated.

After the completion of the work, if you can apply to the relevant authorities for registration as soon as possible to confirm the copyright ownership of the work, if there is a copyright dispute in the future, copyright registration is an important evidence. In addition, copyright owners can obtain benefits through transfer or licensing.

International copyright conventions mainly include

  • Berne Convention

  • International Copyright Convention

  • Geneva Convention on Phonograms

  • Agreement on trade related aspects of intellectual property rights

  • Copyright Treaty of the World Intellectual Property Organization

  • World Intellectual Property Organization Treaty on performances and Phonograms

The role of copyright

  • After a work is registered, the copyright owner enjoys the rights of publication, developer identity, use, license and remuneration, and can also obtain income by means of authorized use and transfer.

  • Prevent plagiarism, protect the rights of authors of original works, clarify the ownership of rights, and safeguard rights according to law.

  • It can improve the popularity and reputation of the enterprise. The registered copyright works of the company can be queried through the intellectual property related websites.

  • It is helpful to provide evidence for solving copyright disputes.

  • It can be publicly performed, dictated, shown, disseminated, adapted, reproduced or translated into other languages and generate economic benefits therefrom.

  • Create economic value as a technology investment.

  • Obtain policy support: assist in applying for high-tech enterprise certification, capital subsidies, tax relief, etc.

Our services include:

  • Copyright registration

  • Copyright protection consulting

  • Copyright transfer, license, pledge and other related services

  • Assist in applying for judicial and administrative protection of copyright

  • Assist in handling Internet intellectual property disputes

Our professional services:

  • Professional confidence: the core business of the enterprise is self-supporting, without outsourcing and routine

  • Quality assurance: all applications are handled by senior experts without detours

  • Whole process service: provide one-stop service from zero to growth

  • Worry free after sales: 16 years of experience, confidence assurance, and the whole process tracking service of the special manager




Contact: E-SNAVS Foreign Enterprise Service Center

Phone: +8613925111051

Tel: +8613925111051

Email: evans@snavs-china.com

Add: Unit 2006-2007, Yian Plaza, No. 33, Jianshelu Road, Yuexiu District, GuangZhou, China (510060)