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中国签证分为外交签证、礼遇签证、公务签证和普通签证。 最常用的签证类型是普通签证,分为以下几类。

Visa purposeVisa categoryRemarks
Perform international cabin crew, aviation, shipping and road transportation tasksCIssued to international train attendants, crew members of international aircraft, crew members of international voyages and family members accompanying them, and car drivers engaged in international road transport
Settle downDIssued to permanent residents
Exchanges, visits, inspections and other activitiesFIssued to people who enter to engage in activities such as exchanges, visits, inspections, etc.
TransitGIssued to people transiting through China
Engage in journalismJ1Foreign representative journalists whom work for foreign news agencies
Engage in journalismJ2Issued to foreign journalists for short-term interviews
TourismLIssued to inbound tourists, Group entry visas may be issued as a group L visa
Commercial and trade activitiesMIssued to people entering China for business
Family reunion, foster children; visit relatives who live permanently in ChinaQ1Issued to family members of Chinese citizens applying for entry and residence due to family reunification and family members of foreigners with permanent residence status in China, and persons applying for entry and residence due to foster care, etc.
Family reunion, foster children; visit relatives who live permanently in ChinaQ2Relatives of Chinese citizens residing in China who are applying for short-term visits to China and relatives of foreigners with permanent residence status in China
Talent introductionRIssued to foreign high-level talents needed by the country and urgently needed professionals
Visit relatives who work or study in China; handle other private mattersS1Spouses, parents, children under the age of 18, parents of spouses of foreigners staying in China due to work, study and other reasons for long-term visiting relatives who are applying for entry, and those who need to stay in China for other private matters
Visit relatives who work or study in China; handle other private mattersS2issued to family members of foreigners staying in China due to work, study and other reasons for applying for short-term visits to the country, and those who need to stay in China for other private matters
Studyx1Issued to people applying for long-term study in China
Studyx2Issued to people applying for short-term study in China
JobsZIssued to people who apply to work in China


上一个:进出口退税 下一个:就业许可工作居留







地址: 广东省广州市越秀区建设六马路33号宜安广场2006-2007室